Common Care Challenges


Local authority funding for care All about how your council may give you free or subsidised care services if you have a particular level of needs.

Selecting and Funding a Care Home

Age UK provides advice on how to find a care home, a check list for judging care … their factsheets also explain the rules about local authority funding of care

Selecting Care Agencies

Before you look at the checklists read the NHS Guide to Care and Support

Choosing your care services can be a daunting prospect. There are many care options available, but which kind of support is right for you? NHS offer some guidance.
Think about what you to get most out of life.

At Home vs Care Home

For Guidance on Care services in your home see the NHS independent guide.

NHS Choices Guide

Consider other options for care first: See the NHS Choices Guide
Going into a care home is a major commitment for your future – it involves changing where you live and potentially committing to paying a considerable amount of money for your ongoing accommodation and care needs.
Before you opt for a move to a care home, you should think about other less disruptive – and potentially less costly – options, including:
home care
help to live independently at home
a “shared lives” or “adult placement” scheme – usually suitable for the needs of younger disabled adults (aged 18 to 64)

You should also consider whether you really need the amount of care on offer at a care home, and look at alternatives such as “extra care” housing schemes or warden-controlled sheltered accommodation. These options offer independence with an increased level of care and support.